
Chaney HO 何春盛
President, Tatung Group
Director/Co-Founder, AdvanTech Co. Ltd.
大同集团 董事长
研华科技 董事、联合创始人
Board Member, Elitegroup Computer Systems
Board Member, Tatung Co Ltd
Board Member, Advantech Co Ltd
Board Member, Advantech KR Co
Board Member, Beijing Yan Hua Xing Ye Electronic Science & Technology Co Ltd
Board Member, Advantech Technology China Co Ltd
精英电脑系统 董事会成员
大同有限公司 董事会成员
研华有限公司 董事会成员
研华韩国公司 董事会成员
北京燕华兴业电子科技有限公司 董事会成员
研华科技中国有限公司 董事会成员

Eugene Ng 黄树仁
CEO for Sales & Marketing, APR and Director at Chevron Oronite Pte Ltd
雪佛龙集团 董事,亚太销售营销CEO
During almost thirty years of my career in the solvent, chemicals, lubricants and additives segments, my track record has been proven to be highly motivated and result driven. I have progressed through a series of key positions at the Country/Regional/Global level with a board range of knowledge in corporate governance, decision support analysis, technical, trading, sales, marketing, business development and project management.
在黄树仁的溶剂、化学品、润滑剂和添加剂领域的近三十年职业生涯中,其业绩记录已被证明具有高度的积极性和结果导向性。 黄树仁在国家/地区/全球层面担任了一系列关键职位,在公司治理、决策支持分析、技术、贸易、销售、营销、业务发展和项目管理方面拥有广泛的董事会知识。

Kevin Chow 曹泽楠
CEO Thales in Singapore
泰雷兹新加坡 CEO
Kevin has 20 years of experience of breaking new ground in government and industry. The first Singaporean designated for this key role, Kevin has been the Country Director and CEO of Thales in Singapore since February 2016, responsible for driving Thales’ growth across all of its five markets: Aerospace, Space, Ground Transportation, Digital Identity & Security and Defence& Security.
曹泽楠拥有 20 年在政府和行业开辟新天地的经验。曹泽楠是有史以来第一位被指定担任总经理这一关键角色的新加坡人,自 2016 年 2 月以来一直担任泰雷兹新加坡地区总监兼首席执行官,负责推动泰雷兹在其所有五个市场的增长:航空航天、太空、地面运输、数字身份和安全以及国防与安全。

Kevin Wo
CEO, Microsoft Singapore
微软新加坡 CEO
As managing director for Microsoft Singapore, Kevin Wo is leading a team of 200 talented individuals and responsible for development and driving growth strategies for all of Microsoft’s business in Singapore. He also builds on the company’s 30-year presence here by creating local opportunities, growth and lasting impact through the application of digital technologies.
In addition to his role at Microsoft, Wo is currently serving as a Board Member at Info-Communications Media Development Authority of Singapore, and the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC). He has also served in other trade associations and chambers like American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and SGTech.
Wo joined Microsoft Singapore in November 2016 with a 23-year track-record in the IT industry, having held leadership roles in sales management, technology consulting and large-scale system integration. Prior to joining Microsoft, Wo spent close to seven years with Avanade, a leading provider of innovative digital and cloud services, business solutions and design-led experiences. He first joined Avanade in January 2010 as its vice president and country manager for Singapore and was subsequently its senior vice president and managing director for ASEAN. Wo previously held leadership roles at several leading IT and business consulting firms including Oracle, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers and National Computer Board.
作为微软新加坡公司的董事总经理,Kevin Wo领导着一个由200名人才组成的团队,负责微软在新加坡的所有业务的发展和推动增长战略。他还通过数字技术的应用,创造了当地的机会、增长和持久的影响,建立了公司在这里30年的存在。

Mickey XIONG 熊源
Regional General Manager of TaoBao & Tmall, Asia at Alibaba Group
阿里巴巴集团亚太 总经理
Mickey Xiong is the head of Tmall/Taobao World for Asia and Senior Operations Advisor at Alibaba Group. She joined Alibaba in January 2012 and is responsible for the strategic direction and growth of the Tmall/Taobao business across all functions in Asia.
Mickey previously worked at Alibaba Group in China, first as Menswear and Shoes Category Manager at Tmall.com, followed by Country Online Operation Manager at Tmall Global (tmall.hk) where she managed 64 brands US brands including Macy's and Victoria's secret.
熊源是天猫/淘宝亚太地区的负责人,也是阿里巴巴集团的高级运营顾问。她于 2012 年 1 月加入阿里巴巴,负责亚太地区所有职能部门的天猫/淘宝业务的战略方向和发展。
熊源曾在中国阿里巴巴集团工作,先是在天猫担任男装和鞋履品类经理,然后在天猫国际 (tmall.hk) 担任国家在线运营经理,她管理着包括梅西百货和维多利亚的秘密在内的 64 个美国品牌。